Social Citizen Science in Germany – Basic Characteristics & Twenty Theses for Better Practice and Support

Citizen Science in the humanities and social sciences – Social Citizen Science (SCS) – is a sub‐area of Citizen Science activities that did not yet receive much scholarly attention. One feature of SCS is that it deals with data that can be difficult to objectify because of its proximity to everyday life. Questions of ensuring scientific quality and the ability to participate, therefore, manifest themselves in different ways than in the natural sciences. The SoCiS project presents results on these questions for the first time. It reveals a great diversity of approaches and traditions in SCS. We show that SCS activities include those initiated and managed both within and outside academia. Thus, “invited participation” by academic institutions is not the general reference model for SCS. Activities emerging from civil society, “uninvited participation”, is equally constitutive.

For this reason we conclude that it is important to enlarge the analytical perspective from one that examines how laypersons are enabled to participate in research (“ability to participate”) to a view of how cooperation can be achieved among heterogeneous actors (“cooperation capacity”). This policy paper makes key results of the SoCiS study available in English. Part A gives a brief overview of core SCS characteristics. Part B formulates twenty theses for improving the conduct and support of SCS.


Claudia Göbel / Justus Henke / Sylvi Mauermeister (2020): Social Citizen Science in Germany - Basic Characteristics & Twenty Theses for Better Practice and Support, Institut für Hochschulforschung (HoF) an der Martin‐Luther‐Universität, Halle‐Wittenberg.

BibTeX Format

author = {Goebel, Claudia and Henke, Justus and Mauermeister, Sylvi},
title = {Social Citizen Science in Germany – Basic Characteristics & Twenty Theses for Better Practice and Support},
year = {2020},
publisher = {Institut für Hochschulforschung (HoF)},
address = {Halle-Wittenberg},
url = {}
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