SoCiS is a research and capacity building project on Citizen Science in the social sciences and humanities – Social Citizen Science (SCS). It is run by the Institute of Higher Education Research at the University of Halle-Wittenberg (HoF) and funded by the German Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) from 2019 to 2020. In a landscape study of SCS initiatives in Germany we explore which innovation potentials are linked to SCS and what preconditions are necessary for the participation of non-professional researchers and organisations external to the scientific system in research.
For this purpose we address questions like:
- Why and on which topics do citizens participate in SCS?
- How are citizens involved in the projects and what role does digitalisation play?
- What are the differences and interfaces between SCS projects organised inside and outside academic institutions?
- How is scientific quality ensured?
- And finally: Can SCS projects make a contribution to promoting political participation, strengthening trust in science and addressing a broader population?
In order to answer the research questions we combine quantitative and qualitative methodology gathering data in a standardised online survey and through in-depth interviews. Next to scholarly publications, the project will also generate outputs of value for improving SCS and funding practice, like guidelines and an Open Educational Resource.