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OPAC Stand: 05/2024 / 59.637 Dokumente

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C        nächste Seite (C)
C. Fachhochschule und Gesamthochschule in Nordrhein-Westfalen C3-Sprung angepeilt CAF-basiertes QM der Verwaltung als Beitrag zur kontinuierlichen Qualitätsentwicklung der Universität Duisburg-Essen
CAL CAL+CAT California and the Future of Public Higher Education
California s Downfall Call Center und Berufliche Bildung Calling on the Past
Cambodia: Subprime Degrees? Cambodian Accreditation Cambodian Higher Education - Growing Pains
Cambodian Higher Education - Subprime Degrees? Cambodias education system struggles to reverse years of war and suffering Cambridge vs ... Harvard
Campus 2000 Campus 2002 Campus 4.0
Campus blues Campus closures and the devaluing of emplaced Higher Education Campus Companies (2)
Campus de Excelencia Internacional Campus der Talente Campus Dortmund (2)
Campus Management von der Hochschule aus gedacht Campus managen - Innovation im laufenden Betrieb Campus mit Profil
Campus online Campus TV Campus und Universität
Campus-based Aid Programs as Determinants of Retention among Hispanic Community College Students Campus-Community-Partnerships Campus-Management-Systeme (2)
Campus-Management-Systeme als problemproduzierende Problemlöser Campus-Management-Systeme einführen Campus-Radios (2)
Campus-Schreiber-Preisträger (4) Can a doctoral degree be completed faster overseas than domestically? Can a self-efficacy-based intervention decrease burnout, increase engagement, and enhance performance?
Can a Young University Achieve World-Class Status? Can Academic Corruption Be Eradicated? Can Bologna open new perspectives?
Can Citizen Science in the Humanities and Social Sciences Deliver on the Sustainability Goals? Can educational laws improve efficiency in education production? Can employment subsidies and greater labour market flexibility increase job opportunities for youth?
Can funding for university partnerships between Africa and the US contribute to social development and poverty reduction? Can Haitian Higher Education Rise from the Rubble? Can Hong Kong Keep Its Lead in the Brain Race?
Can it Fit Conceptualizations of Curriculum Internationalization? Can it help international students ease into British university life? Can mindsets influence college students’ motivation to learn?
Can national research assessment exercises be used locally to inform research strategy development ? Can Private Institutions Learn from Mistakes? Can Quality Assurance Beat Corruption in Higher Education?
Can schools compensate for socioeconomic disadvantage? Can the Challenges be Reconciled? Can the Establishment of an MA Programme in Armenia Have a Greater Impact on Education Quality Than the Entire Quality Assurance System?
Can the Great American Universities Take Root in Asia? Can the Postdoc Speak? Can They Be Research Universities
Can they compete in the Global Market? can top-down university language policies encourage bottom-up disciplinary literacy goals? Can we administer the scholarship of teaching?
can we do better? Can we make sense of learning theory? Can We Measure Universities’ Impact on Climate Change?
Can We Still Stop the End of Internationalization? Can you do all in one professional label? Can Young University Achieve World-Class Status?
Canada Canada s answer to the world s questions Canada s Egalitarian Debate
Canada s Immigration Policies to Attract International Students Canadian and US research universities and the field of global health Canadian Strategies for Internationalization
Canadian universities Canadian Universities Strategies for Internationalization Cancel Culture und Wissenschaftsfreiheit
Cannabis goes East Capacity building for demography in Southern Africa Capacity for innovation and investment
capital accumulation strategies of transnationally mobile scientists in Singapore CAPTain - ein Instrument zur Potentialbeurteilung CAPtive academics - an examination of the binary divide
Captured by the Discourse? Capturing contrasting perspectives using Q methodology CAQ (computer aided quality assurance) an der Technischen Fachhochschule Georg Agricola in Bochum
Care-Aufgaben übernehmen und gleichzeitig studieren?! Career Center als Central Link Career Center verbinden Hochschulabsolventen und Unternehmen
Career Centers Career Centers als Vermittler und Innovatoren Career Centers an deutschen Hochschulen
Career Centers und Hochschulreform Career Experiences of Non-US PhD Holders in the United States Career Guidance
Career Guide 2008 Career Management Competence and Student Centred Teaching and Learning Career prospects for academics in Australian universities
Career satisfaction of postdoctoral researchers in relation to their expectations for the future Career Service als Brücke zwischen Studium und Berufswelt Career Service und Hochschulreform
Career Services (2) Career Services an deutschen Hochschulen Career services in den USA
Career Services zur Steigerung von Karriere-Ressourcen Career slow lane or Cul-de-Sac? Career strategies of Indigenous (Maori) academics
Career-Service Careers and the reorganisation of university and research systems in France and Germany Careers of Doctorate Holders
Careers of University Graduates Carl Bertelsmann-Preis Carl Bertelsmann-Preis, Symposium 1990
Carl Johannes Thomae und die Entwicklung der Mathematik an der Universität Jena in der Zeit von 1879 bis 1914 Carolo-Wilhelmina Mitteilungen Carte de competence
Cascade Teaching : Wissensvermittlung über zwei Ebenen Case Studies case studies from China and Hungary
case studies from the United Kingdom and Switzerland Case studies of China and Japan Case studies of China, Japan and the Netherlands
Case studies of Hong Kong, Malaysia and Australia Case Studies of Internationalization in Adult and Higher Education case study of the Republic of Armenia
Case study of the social mobility of working-class students in Canada Case study of two academic departments Case Study Research
Case-Management im Arbeitsamt Nürnberg Case-Management zur Erhaltung von Arbeitsverhältnissen Behinderter CASE: Entwicklung und Implementierung
CASE: GATE-Germany CASE: Internationale Hochschulstrategien CASE: Internationalisierungsstrategie einer Hochschule
CASE: Karriereberatung CASE: Steuerliche Handhabung CASE: USA-Forschungssystem
CASE: Wissenschaftsmanagement in MINT-Instituten Cases from Brazil, Mongolia, Ukraine, and the United States Cases from English regions
Cases of Good Practice in Vocational Education and Training and Higher Education Cases of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan Cash für wenige oder Kommunikationserfolg für alle?
Cash, competition, or charity Caste, Class, and Quality at the Indian Institutes of Technology Castnite vissi ucilisca
Catalogo de Estudios de las Universidades Nacionales de Centroamerica 1967-1968 Catalogo de posgrado 1984 Catalogo dos Cursos de Graduacao 1980
Catalogo dos cursos de graduacao 1986 Catalogo dos Cursos de Pos-Graduacao 1980 Catalogo General 1979/1980
Catalogo Geral 1983/1984 Catalogo Universidades Centroamericanas Catalogue des Périodiques en Cours, Recus au Centre de Documentation du BIE
Catalogue of Kyushu University 1989 - 1990 Catalogue of Kyushu University 1993-1994 Catalogue of Kyushu University 1995-1996
Catalogue of Kyushu University 1997-1998 Catalogue of Kyushu University 2001-2002 Catalogue of Kyushu University 2003-2004
Catalogue of the exhibition accompanying the conference Regional Partnerships for Lifelong Learning - Berlin, November 8-9, 2004 Catalyzing Cultural and Global Competencies Catching the Window of Opportunity
Catholic Universities in Central Europe Caught between teaching and research? Causal modelling in evaluation research
Causes and consequences of massive student employment in Estonia Causes, responses and adaptations Cautionary concerns
Caveat professor CDI Control Data Institut CDSUFC
CDU plant Änderung des Beamtenrechts/Zwölf Jahre Schulzeit bis zum Abitur CDU und WRK zur Zulassung CDU will Schub nach vorne
CDU-Grundsatzprogramm - Hochschullehrerinnen im Beamtenstatus nur noch als Ausnahme CDU-Thesen zu einer marktorientierten Bildungs- und Hochschulpolitik CDU/CSU
CDU/CSU-Bundestagsfraktion: Eckpunkte der großen wissenschaftspolitischen Ziele und Projekte Cebit 90 CeBIT 98
CeBIT-Home Celebrating 30 years of the Erasmus programme Celebrating Higher Education’s 50 years
Celoskolska cast . Skolsky rok 1989-90 Center and Periphery Center für Wandel und Wissensmanagement gegründet
Centerfor Studies in Higher Education, Berkeley Centers of Excellence in der Wissenschaft - Brückenkopf zum Erfolg in der Wirtschaft Centers of Excellence an ostdeutschen Hochschulen - Die ersten sieben Innovationskollegs werden eingerichtet
Centers of Learning Central America Central American identity and the teaching of history and geography
Central Asia (2) Central-local relations and higher education stratification in China Centralisations and devolution in a multi-campus university in South Africa
Centralization and decentralization as determinants of educational policy in the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) Centralny Instytut Szkolnictwa Wyzszego NRD Centres of Excellence

nächste Seite (C)

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